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Psalm 118:8-9 meaning...

This statement presents a fundamental truth about the superiority of placing one's trust in Yahweh rather than in human beings. The act of taking refuge in God implies seeking safety, shelter, and reliance on His divine attributes.

  • A Warning Against Human Confidence:

"...It is better to take refuge in Yahweh than to put confidence in princes."

The repetition reinforces the point. Trusting in princes or earthly leaders, while a common practice, is deemed inferior to seeking refuge in Yahweh. This is a cautionary message about the limitations of human authority and the potential for disappointment in relying solely on human capabilities.

Theological Significance: God as the Ultimate Refuge

  • Divine vs. Human Dependence:

The verse draws a clear distinction between taking refuge in Yahweh and putting confidence in human beings, including princes. It underscores the theological principle that ultimate dependence and trust should be placed in God rather than in fallible human entities.

  • The Limitations of Human Authority:

The caution against putting confidence in princes recognizes the inherent limitations of earthly leaders. While human leaders may provide temporary solutions, they are not infallible, and their capacity to bring lasting help is finite.

  • Yahweh as the Supreme Source of Refuge:

The repetition of "It is better to take refuge in Yahweh" emphasizes God's unparalleled role as the ultimate source of refuge. It speaks to the reliability, constancy, and inexhaustible nature of God's help.

Practical Implications: Choosing the Ultimate Refuge

  • Discernment in Human Trust:

The verse encourages believers to exercise discernment in their trust relationships. While human interactions and alliances are important, the ultimate reliance and trust should be placed in God.

  • Navigating Disappointment:

Recognizing the limitations of human princes prevents disillusionment when human solutions fall short. Understanding that God is the ultimate refuge provides a perspective that transcends earthly circumstances.

  • Cultivating a Trusting Relationship with God:

The directive to take refuge in Yahweh is an invitation to actively cultivate a relationship of trust with God. It involves seeking His guidance, relying on His wisdom, and finding security in His unchanging nature.


Psalm 146:3: "Don’t put your trust in princes, each a son of man in whom there is no help." This verse aligns with the theme of Psalm 118:8-9, emphasizing the transient and limited nature of human help. It redirects trust to the eternal and reliable source of help, which is God.

Jeremiah 17:5-7: "Thus says Yahweh: Cursed is the man who trusts in man, and makes flesh his arm, and whose heart departs from Yahweh." Jeremiah's prophecy echoes the sentiment of Psalm 118:8-9, emphasizing the consequences of trusting in human strength rather than in God.

Conclusion - The Supremacy of Trust in Yahweh: Psalm 118:8-9 stands as a timeless proclamation, asserting the superiority of taking refuge in Yahweh over placing confidence in human beings, even in princes. It carries profound implications for how believers navigate trust relationships, prioritize dependence, and find ultimate refuge in the unchanging God.

See also: See also: vs 6& 20-22

Psalm 118:8-9. It is better to take refuge in Yahweh, than to put confidence in man. It is better to take refuge in Yahweh, than to put confidence in princes.


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