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Matthew 7:26-27 meaning

In this passage, Jesus describes the person who hears his teachings but does not put them into practice as a foolish man who builds his house on sand. This represents a life that is not grounded in Jesus' teachings and principles, and therefore lacks a solid foundation.

When the rains come, the streams rise, and the winds blow, this house built on sand cannot withstand the forces of nature, and it collapses with a great crash. This represents the consequences of living a life that is not grounded in Jesus' teachings. Such a life lacks stability and security, and when the challenges of life come, it cannot stand up to them.

By contrast, the wise man who builds his house on a rock represents a life that is grounded in Jesus' teachings and principles. Such a life has a solid foundation that can withstand the storms of life, and it is able to remain standing when the challenges come.

In summary, Matthew 7:26-27 teaches that those who hear Jesus' teachings but do not put them into practice are like the foolish man who builds his house on sand. Their lives lack a solid foundation, and when the storms of life come, they will collapse. This passage emphasizes the importance of obedience and commitment to Jesus' teachings as the key to building a strong and secure life.

This passage is part of Jesus' famous Sermon on the Mount, which contains many teachings on how to live a righteous life and enter the kingdom of heaven. In this particular passage, Jesus uses a metaphor of building a house on a solid foundation to illustrate the importance of obeying his teachings and putting them into practice.

The metaphor of building a house on a foundation was particularly relevant to Jesus' listeners, who lived in a region that was prone to seasonal rains and flash floods. Houses needed to be built on solid foundations to withstand the storms and floods that could come at any time.

In this passage, Jesus warns that those who hear his teachings but do not put them into practice are like the foolish man who builds his house on sand. They lack a solid foundation for their lives, and when the storms of life come, they will collapse.

Jesus emphasizes the importance of obedience to his teachings, saying that those who hear his words and put them into practice are like the wise man who builds his house on a rock. They have a firm foundation for their lives, and when the storms come, they will be able to withstand them.

This passage serves as a reminder that true discipleship requires more than just listening to Jesus' teachings. It requires a commitment to put those teachings into practice and build our lives on a solid foundation of faith and obedience. By doing so, we can be assured of a life that is secure and stable, even in the face of the storms of life.

Se also: Matthew 7:24-25

Matthew 7:26-27. “Everyone who hears these words of mine, and doesn’t do them will be like a foolish man, who built his house on the sand. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it fell—and great was its fall.”

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