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Matthew 7:24-25 meaning

This passage is part of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, where he teaches his followers about the nature of God's kingdom and how they should live as members of that kingdom. In this particular section, Jesus uses the metaphor of building a house to illustrate the importance of putting his words into practice.

Jesus says that the person who hears his words and follows them is like a wise man who builds his house on a solid foundation of rock. This foundation represents a life that is grounded in Jesus' teachings and principles. Such a life is built on a firm foundation that will withstand the storms of life, which include the trials and difficulties that everyone faces.

Jesus goes on to say that even when the storms come, the house built on the rock will remain standing. The rain, streams, and winds represent the challenges and hardships that come with life, but the house that is built on the solid foundation will not be destroyed by them.

So, Matthew 7:24-25 teaches that those who hear and practice Jesus' teachings will have a strong foundation in their lives that will enable them to withstand the storms of life. They will be like a house built on a rock, with a firm foundation that cannot be shaken. By contrast, those who do not put Jesus' teachings into practice will be like a house built on sand, with a foundation that is easily washed away by the storms of life.

This is a powerful metaphor that Jesus uses to teach his followers about the importance of building their lives on a solid foundation. The passage is part of a larger section in the Sermon on the Mount where Jesus instructs his disciples on how to live a righteous life and enter the kingdom of heaven.

The metaphor of building a house on a solid foundation is particularly apt because it is something that everyone can relate to. In ancient Palestine, where Jesus was preaching, houses were typically made of mud and clay bricks, and they needed a strong foundation to withstand the seasonal rains that could cause mud houses to collapse.

Jesus emphasizes that the key to building a strong foundation for one's life is to listen to his teachings and to put them into practice. This requires a commitment to obedience and a willingness to follow Jesus' teachings, even when it is difficult. Those who do so are like the wise man who builds his house on a rock. They have a foundation that will withstand the storms of life, and they will not be swept away by the winds and floods that come their way.

By contrast, those who do not put Jesus' teachings into practice are like the foolish man who builds his house on sand. When the rains come and the winds blow, their foundation is washed away, and their house collapses. This represents a life that is built on a shaky foundation and lacks the stability and security of a life built on obedience to Jesus.

In summary, Matthew 7:24-25 teaches that those who hear and obey Jesus' teachings will have a firm foundation that can withstand the storms of life, while those who do not obey him will have a shaky foundation that will not stand up to the challenges of life. This passage emphasizes the importance of obedience and commitment to Jesus' teachings as the key to building a strong and secure life.

See also: Matthew 7:26-27

Matthew 7:24-25. “Everyone therefore who hears these words of mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man, who built his house on a rock. The rain came down, the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat on that house; and it didn’t fall, for it was founded on the rock.”

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