you draw out Leviathan with a fish hook, or press down his tongue with a cord? Can you put a rope into his nose, or pierce his jaw through with a hook? Will he make many petitions to you, or will he speak soft words to you?

Context / meaning
Job 40 [20.] Surely the mountains produce food for him,
where all the animals of the field play.
He lies under the lotus trees,
in the covert of the reed, and the marsh.
The lotuses cover him with their shade.
The willows of the brook surround him.
Behold, if a river overflows, he doesn’t tremble.
He is confident, though the Jordan swells even to his mouth.
Shall any take him when he is on the watch,
or pierce through his nose with a snare?
Job 41 [1.] “Can you draw out Leviathan[a] with a fish hook,
or press down his tongue with a cord?
Can you put a rope into his nose,
or pierce his jaw through with a hook?
Will he make many petitions to you,
or will he speak soft words to you?
Will he make a covenant with you,
that you should take him for a servant forever?
Will you play with him as with a bird?
Or will you bind him for your girls?
Will traders barter for him?
Will they part him among the merchants?
Can you fill his skin with barbed irons,
or his head with fish spears?
Lay your hand on him.
Remember the battle, and do so no more.
Behold, the hope of him is in vain.
Won’t one be cast down even at the sight of him?
PIB Scriptures are derived from the World English Bible
Job 41:1-3

Context / meaning
Job 40 [20.] Surely the mountains produce food for him,
where all the animals of the field play.
He lies under the lotus trees,
in the covert of the reed, and the marsh.
The lotuses cover him with their shade.
The willows of the brook surround him.
Behold, if a river overflows, he doesn’t tremble.
He is confident, though the Jordan swells even to his mouth.
Shall any take him when he is on the watch,
or pierce through his nose with a snare?
Job 41 [1.] “Can you draw out Leviathan[a] with a fish hook,
or press down his tongue with a cord?
Can you put a rope into his nose,
or pierce his jaw through with a hook?
Will he make many petitions to you,
or will he speak soft words to you?
Will he make a covenant with you,
that you should take him for a servant forever?
Will you play with him as with a bird?
Or will you bind him for your girls?
Will traders barter for him?
Will they part him among the merchants?
Can you fill his skin with barbed irons,
or his head with fish spears?
Lay your hand on him.
Remember the battle, and do so no more.
Behold, the hope of him is in vain.
Won’t one be cast down even at the sight of him?